Looking back at the past 11 months, if I had to name 2023, it would be Revelation to Preparation. Even though I didn’t achieve substantial physical wins, I’ve accepted that this is just a season and not the norm. Through tears and prayers, I’ve come to terms with it, armed with the lessons I’ve learned about myself.
This year, my progress has been more about how I’ve grown on the inside — mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. The new me is showing up, and she’s dope AF! Sometimes, I see myself and think, “Wow, we came a long way.” It reminds me of my god-baby singing, “That girl is on fire.”
Some of the essential lessons were tough to swallow. God showed me things I didn’t like, but I decided to own them and work on them instead of fighting them. One big lesson is to stop doing too much for others without thinking. Before I jump in to save the day, I need to pause, pray, and ask if it’s the right thing to do. Helping too much sometimes stops people from learning important lessons and hinders their growth.
Important Truths I Learned:
1. Handling Money Better:
This year taught me that not being smart about money has consequences. It’s easy to ignore, but making good money choices is essential for a stable and happy life. So, for 2024, I will work on becoming a better steward of my money.
2. Using my Voice in Relationships and Taking Care of My Feelings:
My relationships showed me I wasn’t good at telling people what I needed. Learning to express what I want and ensuring I feel good in relationships became a big lesson. Especially when it comes to my dating world.
3. Saying No When Needed:
Saying “no” was a challenging but super important lesson. I realized that always saying yes and doing everything for everyone wasn’t helping me or them. Learning to say “no” allowed me to use my time and energy better.
Looking at my life, I’m excited about what’s coming next.
This year might not have been about big achievements, but it’s been a deep journey of growing and figuring out who I am. As I close this chapter, I’m grateful and excited about the next part of my story. Here’s to learning, getting ready, and becoming a better version of ourselves.
Cheers to what’s coming next!